c [dot] d [dot] chasin [at] gmail [dot] com Ph.D. Candidate in Applied Social Psychology at the University of Windsor, in Windsor, Ontario. M.Sc. in Theoretical Psychology from the University of Calgary (2008). H.B.A.Sc. (combined degree in Arts & Science and Psychology) from McMaster University (2006). Research focus: feminist psychology, discursive and big-Q Qualitative research paradigms. Book Chapters Chasin, C. D. (2024). Toward an ace- and aro-friendly society: Reconstructing the sexual orientation paradigm. In KJ Cerankowski & M. Milks (Eds.), Asexualities: Feminist and queer perspectives, revised and expanded ten-year anniversary edition (pp. 363-382). New York: Routlege. DOI: 10.4324/9781003178798-30 Chasin, C. D. (2019). Asexuality and the re/construction of sexual orientation. In B. L. Simula, J. E. Sumerau, & A. Miller (Eds.), Expanding the rainbow: Exploring the relationships of bi+, polyamorous, kinky, ace, intersex, and trans people (pp. 209-219). Boston, MA: Brill Sense. DOI: 10.1163/9789004414105_017 Chasin, C. D. (2017). Considering Asexuality as a Sexual Orientation and Implications for Acquired Female Sexual Arousal/Interest Disorder. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46 (3), 631-635. DOI: 10.1007/s10508-016-0893-1.
Chasin, C. D. (2015). Making sense in and of the asexual community: Navigating relationships and identities in a context of resistance, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 25 (2), 167-180. (DOI: 10.1002/casp.2203) [Formerely titled: Amoeba in our habitat: The asexual community from an ecological perspective.]Abstract available here.
Chasin, C. D. (2013). Reconsidering asexuality and its radical potential, Feminist Studies, 39 (2), 405-426. Abstract available here.
Chasin C. (2008, June). A discursive look at the friend/partner distinction: Implications for asexual people. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Society, Montreal, Quebec. Conference Presentations Chasin, C. D. (2016, November). Asexuality & ace community: Tracing and troubling neoliberal independent-identity discourse of gender and sexual orientation. In Asexual, Trans, & Gender Non-Conforming Bodies and Biopolitics. Symposium presented with K. Gupta, J. Henderson-Greenbey & I. Dugar [moderated by C. McClave] at the annual meeting of the National Women's Studies Association, Montreal, Quebec. Chasin, C. D. (2014, November). Labours of love and violence: Asexual women's stories about their unwanted sex. In Asexual Love and Labor. Symposim presented with A. L. Jensen, C. McClave, & A. Cassey [moderated by E. Przybylo] at the annual meeting of the National Women's Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Chasin, C. D. (2014, November). Asexual community: Navigating relationships and identities in a context of resistance. In Asexual Justice. Symposim presented with S. M. McLellan, J. Fedtke, & A. Foster [moderated by N. Erro] at the annual meeting of the National Women's Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Chasin, C. D. (2013, November). Defining asexuality into (or out of) its radical potential. In Embodying Asexuality. Symposim presented with S. M. Metzger, & C. M. Labuski [moderated by K. Gupter] at the annual meeting of the National Women's Studies Association, Cincinnati, Ohio. Chasin, C. D. (2011, December). Notes on compulsory sexuality and the asexual existence. In Asexuaity & Sexualization: A Panel on Asexuality. Symposium presented with E. Przybylo, & M. Carrigan at Pornified: Complicating the Debates about the sexualisation of culture: An international conference, London, England. [December 1 & 2, 2011, Instituted of Education] Chasin, C. D. (2011, October). Researching asexuality: Beyond sexual perspectives. Paper presented at the Spotlight on Asexuality Studies conference, hosted by the "Identity Repertoires/Mind the Gap" research group at University of Warwick, UK. [October 24, 2011: http://asexualitystudies.org/spotlight/] Chasin, C. D., & Vipperman, J. (2011, June). Asexual experiences: Forging understanding through outsider perspectives. Conversation session presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Society, Toronto, Ontario. Published Papers Chasin, C. D., & Radtke, H. L. (2013). "Friend moments": A discursive study of friendship, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 10 (3), 274-297. Abstract available here. Chasin, C., & Stam, H. J. (2008). The feminization of psychology: Changing patterns in Alberta. Psymposium, 18 (1), 80-82. Chasin, M., & Chasin, C. (2007). Cutting short a word list: What are the chances for error? If your patient "nails" the first 10 to 15 words in a 25-word list, how risky is it to stop your testing? Hearing Review, 14 (10), 52-56. |